Scholarship Application

Professional Women in Building

Scholarship Application – *Deadline Extended to March 31st*



Applicants must meet all the following requirements:

  1. Current High School Seniors enrolling in an accredited post-secondary school
  2. Must be going into the construction field or the trades and/or be a family member of an HBA member
  3. Must be a resident of Johnson, Washington, Iowa or Cedar Counties in Iowa
  4. Application must be postmarked by March 31st.



  1. Answer all questions. Note “N/A” if not applicable.
  2. Do not staple or bind any application materials.
  3. Print legibly in pen or type.
  4. Include official transcript. If you graduated in December and are a first semester college student, you must submit official high school and college transcripts.
  5. Include letter of recommendation. Signed and preferably on letterhead.
  6. Deliver completed application with requested documents no later than March 31st to:


By Mail: The Greater Iowa City Area Home Builders Association

11 South Gilbert

Iowa City, IA 52240

By email:


Questions? Call Ali Salow at 319-351-5333





Amy Lynn Pretorius Scholarship


Applicants must meet all of the following requirements:

1) Must be a female resident of Iowa

2) Must be enrolling in, or attending, an accredited post-secondary school in Iowa

3) Must be enrolled in a construction-related curriculum

4) Application must be postmarked by April 15. Submission instructions are on page 4.


By mail: The Greater Iowa City Area Home Builders Association

11 South Gilbert

Iowa City, IA 52240


By email:


Questions? Call Ali Salow at 319-351-5333


Click the link below to download the 2025  ALP Scholarship

Amy Lynn Pretorius Endowed Scholarship Funds Application