Fall Membership Drive

Recruit During Our Fall Membership Drive! Sign Up to Win: First 10 members who sign up to participate in the call drive will get their names on the Wheel of […]

October Membership Meeting

Finkbine Clubhouse 1380 Melrose Avenue, Iowa City

Join us to celebrate Careers in Construction Month and have tons of fun! We're meeting at Bump’s Restaurant terrace at the new Finkbine Golf Course Nagle Family Clubhouse. Featured speaker is University of Iowa Women’s Gymnastics Coach Larissa Libby.  Masks are required, and disposable masks will be provided if needed. The first 50 RSVPs receive […]


Remodelers Council Board Meeting

Greater Iowa City Area HBA Conference Room 11 South Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA, United States

The Remodelers Council meets the 2nd Tuesday of every other month – except August –  in the IC HBA’s Conference Room. Interested in joining our Remodelers Council? Email karyl@hbaofic.org. Learn more under our Remodelers Council tab.

Aging-in-Place Forum: Gadgets to Make Life Easier


The 2020 Aging-in-Place Forums are online! Today's topic is Gadgets to Make Life Easier. The forums are hosted in partnership among Johnson County Livable Community, the Iowa City Area Association of Realtors and the Iowa City Area HBA. They provide information, ideas and resources to successfully age at home.  Sign up at bit.ly/AIPForumsSignUp.

Board of Directors Meeting

Greater Iowa City Area HBA Conference Room 11 South Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA, United States

The board of directors typically meets the 3rd Thursday of every month except August.

BUILD-PAC Fundraiser

Cedar Ridge Winery 1441 Marak Rd NW, Swisher, IA, United States

Get Engaged in the Political Process to Elect Pro-Housing, Pro-Business Candidates Elections matter and have a lasting impact. BUILD-PAC, the National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) bipartisan political arm, supports federal-office candidates favorable to the homebuilding community and is critical to NAHB's Capitol Hill success. Join us to learn more and help fill the coffers […]


Legislative Committee Meeting

Greater Iowa City Area HBA Conference Room 11 South Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA, United States

Election Day

Learn about absentee  ballot voting at  https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/electioninfo/absenteemail.html. Complete an absentee ballot request form at https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/pdf/absenteeballotapp.pdf. Learn which congressional candidates NAHB recommends at  https://www.nahb.org/Advocacy/Election-2020/Congressional-Endorsements.