Construction Technologist Apprenticeship Presentation

With 94 percent retention and 97 percent business recommended, learn how you can join a registered apprenticeship by becoming a Kirkwood apprenticeship partner. If you identify with one of these: Need or want worker(s) that are teachable and eager to learn. Identified future retirements (in the next few years) and want to retain their skill and […]

Kids Rube Goldberg Machine Contest Begins

Are your kids getting crazy because of  the continued isolation? Well, let them channel some of that stopped-up energy into creativity through our Rube Goldberg Machine Contest! It's open to the public - not just offspring of Iowa City Area HBA members. This American cartoonist and inventor is the father of the wacky and amazing […]

POSTPONED Young Professionals Network April Meet Up

Suburban Lumber 2630 Wiley Blvd SW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Network with other Young Professionals in the Home Builders Association. RSVP to or by April 20. Sponsored by: Our Young Professionals Network (YPN) is a designed to support those new to the home-building industry, including recent graduates and members age 35 or younger changing professions or simply looking for the next step in their career. YPN […]

Kids Rube Goldberg Machine Contest Ends

Are your kids getting crazy because of  the continued isolation? Well, let them channel some of that stopped-up energy into creativity through our Rube Goldberg Machine Contest! It's open to the public - not just offspring of Iowa City Area HBA members. This American cartoonist and inventor is the father of the wacky and amazing […]

Kids Lego Parade of Homes Applications Period Begins

The Greater Iowa City Area HBA invites kids of all ages to summon their inner builder and enter its Lego Parade of Homes contest. Entries will be featured on the Lego Parade of Homes website, starting June 6 at, during what would have been the 2020 Greater Iowa City Area Parade of Homes. That […]

Board of Directors Meeting

Greater Iowa City Area HBA Conference Room 11 South Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA, United States

The board of directors typically meets the 3rd Thursday of every month except August.

60th Anniversary Virtual Toast

Virtual Toast  to Mark the Occasion of our 60th Anniversary May 24 is the 60th Anniversary of The Greater Iowa City Area HBA!  While our official celebratory party will be in September, we hope you'll grab a drink and join us for a virtual toast! Details: Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 875 7579 6407 Password: 475825 […]