Chaired by President Jennie Wunderlich
Home Show Committee Chair Heath Brewer & Art Floss
Parade of Homes Committee Chair Robin Sueppel & Alex Carrillo
Recommends policies to the association on legislative, regulatory and legal matters. Tracks and monitors issues, explores options on ways to deal with them and connects with local officials and legislative leaders. Endorses candidates for local elections and actively recruits candidates for boards and commissions. Discusses strategies and methods of advocating to gain the best possible results.
Chaired by Mike Pugh
Chaired by Zack Kenyon, Treasurer
Chaired by Rory Triplett
Chaired by Dylan Schindler
Co-Chaired by Weston Hodge & Andy Hodge
Promotes the local remodeling industry by developing programs to identify, refer, recognize, endorse, educate and offer support to members. The council provides opportunities to network locally, regionally and nationally and coordinates the annual Iowa City Area HBA Remodelers Parade. Additional $75 membership fee applies.
The Remodelers Council is chaired by Heather Kuenster
Supports women in the home-building industry. Programs are designed to inform, educate and offer assistance to association members on various projects of mutual interest. The council also oversees the Iowa City Area HBA Scholarship Program and meets once per month for volunteering or networking events. The Professional Women in Building Council is chaired by Diavi McDuffy.
Chaired by Barbara Messer
The Vocational Training Council’s mission is to inspire and empower youth by providing them with the knowledge, education, and opportunities to explore the diverse and rewarding careers available within the construction trades. We aim to introduce students to the construction industry as a lifelong career path, offering fulfilling positions across various skilled trades.