Greater Iowa City Area HBA members: Kirkwood Community College’s Construction Management Program, home to our award-winning student chapter, is looking for volunteers to assist with items associated with the following areas:
- Career fairs (Fall and Spring): This involves meeting a couple of times each year to help plan career fair events. These events are important for students and employers and employer input would be greatly appreciated.
- Video interviews: Tell your story! What does your work day look like, how did you get to your current position and what would you recommend to students? Storytelling is an effective learning strategy and Kirkwood hopes to embed stories within its curriculum.
- Internships: Quality internship opportunities are needed. The majority of students are required to complete an internship between their first and second year of school. Most are paid, but some are not. Students often struggle to make connections with local employers.
- Capstone Course: The college is looking for six-to-seven professionals willing to mentor students this March and April as they work through their capstone projects. Each mentor would be assigned up to three students to guide. The students would identify a project and work with you as they complete their tasks.
Interested in participating in one or more of these areas? Contact Joe Greathouse at or (319) 541-5255. Once he knows who is interested, online or in person meetings will be scheduled as needed.